Geek out with info from Golf Biomechanists and Golf Participation is Enjoying a Spike because of Covid

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In this newsletter I'd like to share a high level webinar (parts 1 and 2) from some of the world's top instructors Mike Adams, Terry Rowles, Scott Lynn and Sasho MacKenzie (the latter two being Phd's in biomechanics). I paid $250 for the whole program but these first two episodes are free and worth listening to especially if you like the technical side of the swing.

Click here to access part 1 (about finding your swing style)

Click here to access part 2 (on finding your best grip style)

Little update on golf- It's busy and parking lots are more full than they have been in decades and golf course owners would acknowledge Covid has been good for golf traffic.

Golf is enjoying this resurgence since there really aren't many other ways of getting out in a safe manner with the Covid pandemic hanging over our heads. So new golfers are coming into the sport along with golfers who quit years ago and are back to give it a shot again. "Cabin Fever" gets all of us at some point and getting out into a relatively safe environment is a relief even if it's dribbling golf balls down the driving range.

It'll be interesting to see if golfers stick around after the pandemic eventually subsides. Golfers were leaving the sport since it is challenging, fairly time consuming and pricey.

I hope golf strikes a chord with a good percentage of these golfers since it is a great break away from the connectedness or addiction we have for our devices and our busy lives. After one puts aside the notion of shooting par golf and instead takes on the idea that the game is a practice much like a martial art or musical instrument and that there are rewards in simply the process of improving or doing something. Or at the very least getting some steps in in a park like environment.

As a coach of the game I enjoy the technique for sure and enabling golfers to hit better shots. I also enjoy opening people's eyes to the wonders of being present with themselves and environment. There is a peace that comes from playing in this state but it takes a bit of practice since there are so many distractions while playing golf (eg scoring, other people, our cell phones etc.).

That peace or harmony one might find periodically during a round of golf is also a major contributor to performing at a higher level since essentially that is a "flow" state. Flow state? Meaning getting out of one's head or quieting the ego's constant chatter that actually creates friction in the body and mind's ability to move in a graceful and efficient way. Ironically the harder we try or think at the game the more we are sabotaging our ability to play at a higher level. We all suffer with this challenge and this makes for one of the fascinations of the game. "Try, but don't try too hard".

Top athletes are hacking into ways to perform in the flow state more often. It can be learned but like anything learned you'll also have to practice it to make it a habit. There are plenty of books on the subject like the Talent Code or Flow. I've also written about it in these other blog posts, Get of your Head or Sleep, the Secret Weapon of Top Athletes.

Or just take a pill. It seems quite a few professional golfers are using CBD (you can buy CBD gum at golf stores) or actually beta blockers to calm their nerves. 

Stay engaged with me- Check out my golf school website at for the latest in golf improvement techniques mentally and physically.

I'm also a business broker if you know anyone looking to sell their business. I specialize in manufacturing, food production and e-commerce businesses, here's my firm.